Manchild at Play: LEGO Batmobile and Riddler Racer (Featuring the Flash, Because Why Not?)

I turned 27 this year, officially placing me in the “adult” end of my twenties. So what did I receive for my birthday from my beloved girlfriend? LEGO, of course! Having received a Joker steamroller previously, and also coming into possession of a LEGO version of the Penguin1, the only missing villain from the trifecta of terror was the Riddler.

It’s a cute little set and I had waves of nostalgia putting together Riddler’s drag racer2 as I had a LEGO drag racer back in the day (this one to be exact). Batman’s beefy Batmobile is a nice addition to the small collection of LEGO cars I am accumulating too.

You know the drill, build images are below – click on them to see a bigger version and cycle through the gallery!

  1. It’s a really small set with a cute duck vehicle in homage to the one Danny DeVito drove around in Batman Returns, which is why it’s not another Manchild at Play blog post (there would only be about five pictures to show!).
  2. I don’t know why the Riddler has a drag racer, as it doesn’t really match the “solve my puzzles” motif that is his modus operandi. It’s a really cool car nonetheless!

Post by | June 13, 2015 at 6:34 pm | Batman, LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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