Posts tagged with "spam"

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So You’ve Emailed the Wrong Email Address

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Hi there! You’ve possibly been sent an email from a chap called Sean which contains a link to this web page. Let me explain. I received your email. Your email has been successfully delivered to Sean Patrick Payne. If that’s who you were aiming to send it to, then congratulations!…

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January 7, 2017 at 11:39 am | Real Life, Technology | No comment

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Spammers Say the Creepiest Things

CReePyB0t wiLL EaT yOUr SOul

Last year I posited that, amongst all the terrible Engrish and awful crap that spambots generated, some of it was genuinely poetic. Since then I’ve noticed another trend from spambots – I’ve received emails and I’ve seen comments that look like they’ve been scraped completely out of context from a…

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October 4, 2014 at 12:00 pm | Spammers, Technology | No comment

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Spammers Say the Most Poetic Things

Spambot 2.0, flailing in front of a computer.

When you run a WordPress-based blog (like this), you have to take measures to ensure that the people commenting are actually people. There are these clever programs that scamper about the web looking for WordPress sites to leave spam comments on. Then, once you’ve got those covered, you have to…

[Click here to read the full post]

January 24, 2013 at 8:38 pm | Spammers, Technology | 4 comments

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