PAYNEful - the site where humour goes to die, the repository of all things by Sean Patrick Payne

The Hitman’s Tale

The world of Lusinia is on the brink of revolution. The corporate giant that is Salmanic Incorporated has held its grip on the power supply monopoly for too long, and it’s only going to take a little push for rebellion to try and overthrow them.

That’s all lost on “Average” Joe Vekowski though; he’s got his own problems. He’s just become an ex-gangster (it’s difficult to be a gangster without a gang), stepped into career assassination and found himself in way over his head. His target is a mad scientist guarded by a samurai with a chip on her shoulder (who would prefer that he were dead), he’s being chased by the remnants of his old gang (who want him dead), he’s dealing with competition in the form of two incompetent mages (who will probably kill him by accident), there’s another different mad scientist with big robots who wants the other scientist dead (who doesn’t particularly care who he kills to get his own way) and then there’s his ex-girlfriend who gave him the job (who will definitely have him killed if he fails). Then there’s the visions out to get him inside his own head…

Joe Vekowski is a hitman, and if he survives on his wits and gunplay he might just live to regret his change in career!

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You don't want to pull this pipe out.


The Hitman’s Tale – 0.00 Prologue

The Hitman

The smell of meat sizzling on a hot pan wafted out of the open doorway, an inviting smell for everyone but the man stood nearby harbouring a hangover. He leant over and stroked a tabby cat who had come over to investigate the smell in the hopes of scrounging up…

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February 11, 2014 at 6:00 pm | The Hitman's Tale | No comment

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The Hitman’s Tale – 1.00 The End of the Dalminetti Mafia

Joe Leaves

The Hitman’s Tale: Act One A New Path Imagine a sprawling city, light glistening off of skyscrapers and office blocks as the sun rises over the horizon, ushering in a new day. Cars are already beginning to beetle along the many roads and highways that criss-cross the city, the population…

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March 31, 2014 at 6:46 pm | The Hitman's Tale | No comment

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The Hitman’s Tale – 1.01 Hitman for Hire

Acheron and Tartarus

“…And that’s why I’m here,” Joe was currently sitting in the most ramshackle office he had ever seen. The place was built out of various pieces of scrap iron, stolen breeze blocks and sheer hope that it wouldn’t fall in on itself. It certainly wasn’t up to code – all…

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April 27, 2014 at 9:32 pm | The Hitman's Tale | No comment

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The Hitman’s Tale – 1.02 A Long Way to Fall

Joe left Drago’s hive of scum (and villainy) and walked towards the docks. It was still early morning but smugglers worked around the clock and, occasionally, sometimes through it. The dock was actually the city’s sky port for flying craft, but had been branded as ‘the docks’ because, quite frankly,…

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July 27, 2022 at 10:02 am | The Hitman's Tale | No comment

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